Be the right foundation, for a better nation

Hannah Mae Hormiguera
3 min readJul 12, 2021


The government is like my house. There are rules to follow, like how the government has laws. My mom tells the rules and what we should do, like how senators in the government legislate in the court. My dad punished us when we don’t follow the rules, like how the police officer, chief officer in the government does when they see people who don’t follow the laws. Lastly, there are us, my 3 siblings who obey the rules, break the rules, and just don't care about the rules in our house, like the citizens who have a different perspective.

There is no such thing as a right government, thus we have good governance to make a country peaceful as it is. To have this, Participation, Transparency, and Accountability (PTA) are a must.

Participation, like love in two different people, should not be one-sided, like where only one benefits and the others neither benefit nor harm (Commensalism). Government and the citizens should have both participation, thus it should be beneficial to both sides involved (Mutualism). One big example is the election that happens every end term of each position in the government. The citizens should have the right to participate in choosing the right leader to govern the country, with this we can achieve the goal that we envision.

Transparency, the people of the country pays for the salary of the leaders and pays the payment of the developing works of the government through tax — the compulsory contribution to state revenue (levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions). The leaders that we elect should have the proper liquidations and reports on the money that is spent on any projects, for the countrymen to know where their money goes. If you didn’t do something wrong, you wouldn’t fear to give the transparency report of the projects the money has been spent on. Thus, this leads me to my last point.

Accountability, back from the start we elected this kind of leader and entrusted the future of our nation within their hands. Whatever the nation or the country they are leading, they should be accountable for what they do. We make laws, for us to follow and to have the rights that we have right now. Whatever you say and whatever you act, you are accountable for your actions. That is why, according to Pia Wurtzbach on a social issue that, "We should always think before we click". Same in real life, that our actions are the reflection of who we are.

Participation, Transparency, and Accountability are needed for us to have a responsive and transparent government in our day-to-day lives to promote the ideals of fairness, equity, and transparency in our communities and to the ASEAN.

Look into how you deal with your family in your house, do you have a good foundation of equality? Because to achieve an ASEAN region of fairness, each country should have a good foundation of PTA. As you cannot give to others, what you don’t have to yourself.

So, be the right foundation, for a better nation.



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