How is it like to be a member of the production team #USTPWOW2021

Hannah Mae Hormiguera
5 min readSep 2, 2021


Unity is strength; when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.

Everything has been challenging since the start of the pandemic. Things turned into something we cannot imagine. As a 3rd year student, I want to welcome first-year students, the same as during my Senior High School Days (HIMAMAT) and freshman years (WOW 2019 — A whole new world).

Since face-to-face and a crowd of people is impossible during these times, the organizers pushed the 2021 System-Wide Week of Welcome virtually. It was not an easy journey as preparations were done online and during the live event, a lot of challenges came.

Here are some tips that may help you plan your online event, especially during the live session.

1. Know your audience and set up a platform

For our event, the Week of Welcome (WoW) is a one-week event organized to help the new students (incoming senior high school, first-year students, and transferees) undergo a successful transition to the university.

This year, the WoW 2021 was held virtually.

Knowing your audience and their demographics is very important in order for you to create a more effective and impactful program. You may add some games that everyone can relate to, or research on the recent trends, and bring your audiences to live events by reading and responding to their comments on your broadcast.

For our platform, we used Facebook, as we are trying to reach as many audiences as possible, and it is one of the easiest platforms the students could access. (For smaller scale audience, you could use other platforms where permissions and password protection is enabled)

2. Market your event ahead of time

Be sure to spread the word about your event; it may be posting to your respective audiences in your social media accounts, emails, and text. Inform them ahead of time. One month before the event is recommended. Post also a day before and follow up with them an hour before you go live.

3. Do not forget to do technical runs and check everything before the LIVE Event!!!

Make sure to check everything before going LIVE. You would not want to face technical difficulties during your LIVE event, do a test run, and you will be shocked there are a lot more details you need to take note of in a live event. These are some of the things you need to check:

a. Camera, Lighting, Sound, and Audio Equipment

Camera ang Lighting Equipment
Production Set Up during the Week of Welcome- WOW 2021. (Photo from Dr. Maria Angeles Hinosolango’s Facebook Post)

Make sure to have your equipment check one by one. For the camera and lighting equipment, make sure the angle is just right for the audience to see the host on screen and is visible at all times. Place your light equipment where it is not too close or too far from the host, and adjust the lighting where it's not too dark or too bright. Also, you may check your video projection on-screen through a monitoring device.

When setting up at home, you may opt to use some ring light and your laptop/digital camera. Just make sure to set up everything. ;)

b. Do a test run if everything works

After setting up all the necessary equipment, do not forget to do a test run! Check if all of your device is working all along especially the microphones of your host, they may forget to unmute during a live event, which makes your audience not able to hear anything on their side.

You may do a trial live via a private group on Facebook, and you may see what the audience would see on-screen.

c. Check your internet connection

In doing live events online, it is a requirement to have a fast internet speed. This ensures that what you are showing on screen is not delayed or blur on the audience part. We want to make everything perfect as it is.

The internet speed at the board room during the Week of Welcome 2021. (Photo from Sir Sigfred Tong)

Here are some sites that you may use to check your internet connection:



iii. Google Speed Test

4. Timing is everything

Being part of the technical team, you should work all along with the director. You are responsible for everything shown on the screen, from transitioning videos to other videos and making the host show on the screen. It is just timing and coordination with the director. You wouldn’t want any delays with the banners and overlay on the screen.

Ensure to coordinate with the director and always have a copy of the flow and script of the program, as this serves as your guide as the technical director.

1st day of the #USTPWOW2021; (Left to Right) Sir Sigfred Tong, Herna Tano, Hannah Hormiguera, Kuya Ronelle Bayon

5. Always have BACK-UPS

Well, we do not hold everything that will happen tomorrow, but we should be prepared to what will come, back up your batteries, internet connection, streaming platforms, and everything that is highly needed. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet; make sure to have plans A, B, C, D, etc.

There is nothing wrong when you come prepared. It is just a matter of preparation and setting things up.

After a month-long of preparation, this year’s Week of Welcome is a huge success! It is a collaborative effort of the servant student leaders and the faculties of the university.

To our USTP System President, Dr. Ambrosio B. Cultura II, our Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Maria Elena Paulma, our Chancellor Atty. Lionel Albina. The OSA Directors and College Deans of different campuses of the USTP, THANK YOU SO MUCH, PO!

Photo opportunity with USTP System President with the onsite production team (Left to Right: Sir Giovanni Cagurin, John Paulie Undag, Dr. Ambrosio B. Cultura II, Hannah Mae Hormiguera, Herna Tano, Paul Dejarme, Dr. Maria Angeles Hinosolango)

To the heads of the different departments and the onsite production team: Titzronin Santias, Trisha Albiso, Vee Portillo, Eric Balindres II, Jelo Pabayo, Ryan Ga-as, Herna Tano, Paul Joshua Dejarme, Paulie Undag Sir Gio Cagurin, Dr. Maria Angeles Hinosolango, Sir Sigfred Tong, Kuya Ronelle Bayon, and the whole Strategic Communications Office; Thank you so much po for your unending dedication to make everything possible.

All thanks to the Almighty, as our source of all the wisdom and for blessing all community's efforts to making this event possible and successful! This is all for His greater glory!

Photo from Dr. Maria Angeles Hinosolango during the Evaluation

Indeed, friendship has been made, and wonderful things have been achieved throughout this Week of Welcome 2021. Cheers to a wonderful and successful academic year to all students especially our Trailblazers — -the trendsetters!



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